Safeguarding Policies and Procedures

Safeguarding and Child Protection is taken seriously at KPIS. With the support of our designated Safeguarding Lead and Child Protection Officers, our staff are dedicated to the vigilant care and protection of all our students. In order to maintain this high level of proactive, supportive and responsive Duty of Care necessary in creating a nurturing and supportive environment in all aspects of learning.
KPIS International School believes that all children are unique individuals who must be treated with respect and dignity, the right to be heard, and the right to be safe and protected from all forms of physical, emotional and mental harm.
KPIS International School adheres to international data protection law (General Data Protection Regulation / PDPA), ensuring that the personal data it processes is safe, secure and protected from unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage. Use of personal phones, tablets, laptops, PCs or other mobile devices and use of any personal data is outlined in the school’s IT and acceptable use policy.